Saturday, January 30, 2016

Review of Infantino Foot Rattles, Zebra and Tiger

My Amazon Review
2/5 Stars
I remember seeing these in the store when my first child was a few months old and I wanted to get them for her. I thought the were a little pricey at full retail, so I passed them up and did not get them. I was waiting for a sale, but by time there was one, she was way too old for them. Sadly I had wished I had bought them at full retail price, because they just seem too cool and neat, I knew she would have enjoyed them a lot, but, oh well.

Fast forward a year, oh my goodness, I found I was pregnant again, this time with my little boy. While in the store, I passed them again. Ehh... full retail... I wanted to get them, but I was still pregnant I could bide my time until my little bun in the oven was born, so I was not in any rush. I kept my eye put for a sale.

Then, finally it happened! After my little was born and about 3 months old, there was a sale going on! And, what perfect timing! It was a few weeks before Christmas! Perfect! I bought them! It was also perfect timing for my little dude because he was just starting to discover his feet and kick them around. I was overjoyed, I could not be any more thrilled.

Christmas morning: what the heck!? They don't fit? He did not even have large feet! He was not a large baby! The holes of the sock rattles are too small, they need to be elastic. I did manage to squeeze them on his feet, much to his discomfort... He did like them, but there were just too danged small! Does this company think preemies to newborns are interested in their feet? They're nuts! What a waste!! Great concept,poor delivery..... :-/

Review of Organic Cotton Baby Rattle

My Amazon Review
3/5 Stars
This rattle is a bit dull. It is sort of cute, but it really lacks color. I suppose my little one prefers more bright colors. But, even my little niece did not care for it. Other than that, it is a soft rattle, but the rattle noise is not really there, you can barely hear it, and I think that's another reason why my baby does not particularly care for it. I understand this is organic, but why does organic need to be so, so... dull for? Yes, because of harmful dyes, but still... I think this world would be a very dull place if we only had dull colors to work with. Naturally, this is not suppose to be a work of art, it is for a baby, but, it's still dull. Everything in my baby's room is bright. You should see how his eyes light up when he sees something he cute little peepers spies something colorful as opposed to dull. I think if he were to write this review he would say approximately the same thing: it is dull.

Review of the Medela Pump In Style Advanced Breastpump

My Amazon Review
3/5 Stars
Okay, I'm going to have to be different that the raving reviews and say I really did not care for it. But, to be fair, I never tried another brand, so I guess I should not be too harsh. It does, however, have some good points besides the bad, so here goes:

It is comfortable enough
It has two phases
You can attach different bottles (different brands) to it

It is loud. I will be pumping in the middle of the night and my husband could hear it from the next room over.

My biggest con: it did not get enough milk. The pumping did not stimulate let-down for me, all it did was get my fore milk. With just drinking that, my baby did not get the correct nourishment and she was a little under weight!

When I saw the lactation nurse at the hospital, she let me borrow the hospital grade one for a week. Goodness! That thing was GREAT! I wish I could have gotten that thing! It sucking milk out of me like one of those things they put on cows! Plus, I was done a lot sooner. With the home version, it took forever to get whatever I could.

I would have breastfed directly, but I had complications... I also ended up paying for this out of pocket, which I was not happy about. Even after I contacted my insurance and the assistant said the insurance would pay for it! It cost me over $200 for it! That was crazy.
If you do get this, I would highly recommend getting the shirt thing so you can be hands free. I did not have it at first and I was later begging for one, it makes life a lot easier. So, go get that when you buy this!

Product link: 
Review link: 

Friday, January 29, 2016

Review of Kleem Organic VITAMIN C SERUM

My Amazon review
5/5 Stars
 I have acne scars. Since being a teen, I just about tried everything to lessen the marks. Nothing worked. For years I gave up and scoffed at every new product some company boasted would work. About 2 months ago, my grandmother started trying this vitamin C serum on her face to help reduce your wrinkles. Of course, I rolled my eyes and thought she was took again by another scam. In about 1.5 months, I could see the difference myself. My jaw was dropping! She didn't look 21, but her wrinkles weren't as deep. Naturally, my thoughts were on my acne scars. Finally, I knew of a product that worked. When I first used it, I could feel it start to work on my skin, but in a gentle way. I've used some harsh chemicals before that just burned and irritated my skin, but didn't give the supposed results. I've already seen results happen before my eyes with my grandmother. Wow...! I finally found something to help my face look pretty again after 15 years...!


Review of Essential Health's Garcinia Cambogia

Garcinia Cambogia Extract with 60% HCA

My Amazon Review
5/5 Stars

Feeling droopy? Would you like to lose weight, but you just don't feel the energy enough to do it? What if you had that energy? What if could lose a little faster? Combined with exercise and diet, Garcinia Cambogia will help you reach your goals sooner! Depending on your routine, you could be amazed on how much more weight you can lose taking this "wonder pill". Yes, it does sound too good to be true, and that's where reality kicks in -- it will not lose the weight for you. You need to be realistic and work with it! That's how this differs from these fly-by-night quick-fix fad diets that never work!

When this arrived on my doorstep, I was more than anxious to give it a try. Would it work? Would it give me a boost of energy when taken on an empty stomach about 1 hour before lunch and dinner? I was a little skeptical at first, who wouldn't be? Well, I took it. I waited. It was a tortured wait, so I needed to occupy myself. Hmm, nothing seemed to have happened. Then an hour before dinner, I took one. Waiting... waiting... nothing... I thought, well, maybe it needs an extra day to kick in. I was right! I woke up with extra energy! I actually wanted to get out of bed and greet the day! I haven't felt that way since I was 10 years old popping out of bed to watch Saturday morning cartoons! I was already exercising a little bit and cutting down on high-calorie food,but now that my metabolism is higher, it's going to be a lot more easier to lose weight! I'm so glad I got this! After reading so many reviews of people losing weight, I feel confident I'm on my way of reaching goals thanks to this!

Review of the Medela Manual Breast Pump

Medela Harmony Manual Breast Pump

 My Amazon Review
4/5 Stars 
Yes, I had to use this due to complications with breastfeeding. The lactation nurse at the hospital gave me a couple of these, I'm not sure if they went on my insurance or not, but I didn't pay for them. They were a little hard to get use to it and it felt weird at first,not to mention clumsy. They worked okay, but not with hind milk, I could only get one to two ounces on each side using these to get the fore milk. Perhaps I just had a problem with letdown. When I did pump... ouch.... oh, my aching hands, I think I developed muscles that were never there before! I didn't last long on these. I eventually went to the electronic pump. But, I did keep these in case I needed them in a pinch. I kept one in the diaper bag in case of an emergency. Thank goodness I never had to use it in such a situation, but it was there giving me a sense of ease. Although, I never used these during a trip, I could imagine that these would work great when you are at an airport. Personally, I would use it in the bathroom. I have seen a woman use these on a flight before. She was pretty discreet about it while her husband held the baby as she pumped in the window seat. She had a blanket over her, I wouldn't have thought anything about it except that her husband was asking how it was coming along....

While I do not personally care for these, I would recommend these to any woman who pumps, even if she already has an electronic one. Hey, you never know, the electricity might go out, you don't have any in fridge, and you're forced to get formula at the store. Do yourself a big, fat favor and get these!

Review of the Eparé Electric Milk Frother

The Eparé Electric Milk Frother

My Amazon Review: 
5/5 Stars
The Eparé beats the rest! This milk frother does more than milk, it can do herbal teas (dry powder), Emergen-C (it does that really nicely), juice, and beer (yeah, want more of a head?). It's easy to hold, the button is at the right spot for the thumb (or mine at any rate). This makes our fifth frother. What happened to the others? They died and were buried in the trash without honors. Did they last long? Well, one lasted about a year, but not without its problems – like trying to kick-start the stupid thing. The Eparé, on the other hand, has no problems and I've had it for over 6 months. I only changed the batteries once! (although I do buy more expensive batteries for longer life). I love the motor, it's a little work horse that seems to enjoy working, not like the other brands that prefer to work part-time on welfare.

Another thing about it, compared to its sloth-like distant poor relatives, it only takes about 10 seconds or less to get a decent froth, of course if you want more, spin it some more, baby! Believe me, it is willing do so with a smile on its face (if it had a face). I also like the fact that it's battery-powered. Those ones you have to charge are for the birds, actually they are the equivalent of what birds leave behind.

The only drawback, and it's not with this awesome-most gizmo, it's the fact that it does not come with a case. I would like to better protect it... what else could make my chocolate milk become out of this world? I take care of it, but really.... A PLASTIC CASE, PLEASE!! That is about the only con I can think of. So, if not having case won't bug the living daylights out of you, by all means, get the best!