My Amazon Review
3/5 Stars
This rattle is a bit dull. It is sort of cute, but it really lacks
color. I suppose my little one prefers more bright colors. But, even
my little niece did not care for it. Other than that, it is a soft
rattle, but the rattle noise is not really there, you can barely hear
it, and I think that's another reason why my baby does not particularly
care for it. I understand this is organic, but why does organic need to
be so, so... dull for? Yes, because of harmful dyes, but still... I
think this world would be a very dull place if we only had dull colors
to work with. Naturally, this is not suppose to be a work of art, it is
for a baby, but, it's still dull. Everything in my baby's room is
bright. You should see how his eyes light up when he sees something he
cute little peepers spies something colorful as opposed to dull. I
think if he were to write this review he would say approximately the
same thing: it is dull.
Too bad it's doesn't catch a baby's eye. It is cute!