Saturday, January 30, 2016

Review of the Medela Pump In Style Advanced Breastpump

My Amazon Review
3/5 Stars
Okay, I'm going to have to be different that the raving reviews and say I really did not care for it. But, to be fair, I never tried another brand, so I guess I should not be too harsh. It does, however, have some good points besides the bad, so here goes:

It is comfortable enough
It has two phases
You can attach different bottles (different brands) to it

It is loud. I will be pumping in the middle of the night and my husband could hear it from the next room over.

My biggest con: it did not get enough milk. The pumping did not stimulate let-down for me, all it did was get my fore milk. With just drinking that, my baby did not get the correct nourishment and she was a little under weight!

When I saw the lactation nurse at the hospital, she let me borrow the hospital grade one for a week. Goodness! That thing was GREAT! I wish I could have gotten that thing! It sucking milk out of me like one of those things they put on cows! Plus, I was done a lot sooner. With the home version, it took forever to get whatever I could.

I would have breastfed directly, but I had complications... I also ended up paying for this out of pocket, which I was not happy about. Even after I contacted my insurance and the assistant said the insurance would pay for it! It cost me over $200 for it! That was crazy.
If you do get this, I would highly recommend getting the shirt thing so you can be hands free. I did not have it at first and I was later begging for one, it makes life a lot easier. So, go get that when you buy this!

Product link: 
Review link: 

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